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   If you would like to help Joshua Chege Outreach Ministries funding and ministry, Please make your gifts out and send them to the following information below as God moves on your heart to do so. There are many ways you can help if Holy Spirit moves you to do so within His ministry. Your time, gifts, compassion, encouragement. etc.

   There is no gift too little or too small. There is only one who sees your heart justly and lovingly guides you in giving. Always ask Holy Spirit where he wants to use you and your resources first. He never makes a mistake and He will bring increase to it; small or large. In all things, God's will be done. Praise God for His love and His kindness.

PayPal is the easiest and securest way to make a donation online. Just click on the Donate button to enter the PayPal donations form for Joshua Chege Outreach Ministries International.

You can also scan the QRCode with your phone to make a donation right from your phone.

Flashbanc will be added soon.

If you would like to use a check or money order,
make them out to: Chege Outreach Ministries Int'l

Your check or money order can be sent to either of the addresses below:

- 125 E 11th St Duluth, MN 55805
- P.O. Box 3054 Duluth, MN 55803